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Friday, January 9, 2009

The Force of Brother

Young and dangerous (古或仔)this title you'll should be very familiar. Never listen before?. Well, now you're going to have the chance to know what is this so call Young and Dangerous Sg Version..

Now, let's get back to history year 199X, where is the time of so call gangster rule.
In gangster there is many different type. There is somewhat called
reasonable(21), unreasonable(24), Crazy & underhand(18).
All above i mention is still in operation in Singapore, maybe you are not sure of what i'm saying now but don't worry, keep up the story and you will know what is it.

This story happen more then 10 years ago, somewhere in 1997. A new kid was move to this place called (Tai Yi Shan A.k.a 泰义山) in west area. He attended a pri sch at (Mie Yue Qiu Shan A.k.a 灭月秋山) and stay at Tai Yi Shan which is neighbourhood.. When he 1st move there, he was a nice boy who like fishing on his free time. He met a brunch of friends which is also a nice boy.. But when days passed they become...

The new boy, Yao Guai(妖怪)'14yr - Meaning Monster
and his friends
-Meng jiang(猛将)'15- Pro fighter
-Bu Hui(不悔)'14yr - Never Regret
-Qing Yi(情义)'15yr - Honour and loyalty
-Qiu Wang(球王)'13yr - God of ball
-Yi shen(医神)'14yr - Doctor of god

The 6 of them was a very good friends that share sow and tear, they didn't care about everything but friend and loyatly, there don't need love and money, they just need each other support. They all have a goal and that is never be a betrayal on their this life.. They did nothing everydays expect fighting, gambleing, stealing and bullying..
They all hang around Mie Yue Qiu Shan (灭月秋山) everyday and wait for thier victim to appear for their fist to have some punch.. They are unreasonable, everything going to them is fist talk.. Never try to under-estimate them, they all are skillful in fist fight or even lether weapon riot. They don't care about tomorrow, only want the joys of today.

我们不管别人这样看我们, 我们只用自己的手段得到我们要的.
这世界看不起我们, 我们也看不起这世界.

Above meaning is, we don't care how this world going to judge us, we will use anymean to get what we want.
This world can't have an eye on us as we can't save a shit for this world too.
Don't try to reason us out because we are the reason.

Their life start here...

Yao guai: Oie Yi shen, nb eh you everyday smack smack won't feel sian ar?

Yi shen: won't la.. No smack how to live on..

Qiu wang: nb eh.. He is the same as me la.. No gamble will die de la..

Yao guai: haha, are you both twin?. ha ha..

Meng jiang: Oie Yao guai, you see that 2 guys keep staring at us.. They look very 'xia lan' lei.. Knn...

Meng Jiang shouted; oi, see what you both, Never see before ppl gamble in open space is it?. Nb eh still stare? Believe we whack you anot?..
After Meng jiang finish talking, Qing Yi dash to them and grab hold on 1 of them in their collar and the game started..
Bu Hui run over and give a flying kick on the 'A' guys and the other 4 start their whacking on the 'B' guy.. 'A' guy fall after getting a kick on his damn bloody face and was landed on the floor letting QingYi and Buhui plently kicking..
After a 5min of whacking thier all walk away left those 2 sad guys lying on the ground motionless

Yao Guai: Oie, next time wanna whack tell inform 1st.. Don't sudden attack can bo?. Nb eh..

Qing Yi: Well... I often inform before whack wad, didn't you see just now i already inform you all..

Yao Guai: yaya.. i only see you run there and Buhui fly over there nia, inform ki lan.

Bu Hui: Haa.. When QingYi go over that is the inform..

Yao Guai: WTH... Zzzz.. Oie fuck la you still smacking, NNB eh..

Yi SHen: Aiya, no smack how to pass life?.. Lols..

[Bu hui A.k.a 不悔, 14 this year.. Parent divorced when he was 5yrs old, he follow his father which is a Thai boxing champion
in the past and because of man-slaughter, his title was ripe off. So BuHui from young had start training with his father and he now is a very skillful boxer.
Bu hui did thing on his sense and did it without having a 2nd thought and of cause he never regret of what he did before or what he will do in the future.]

Will Be Continue, Please stay tune…

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